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Wellness Solutions

Telehealth Counseling, Coaching, and Psychotherapy

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Privacy, Confidentiality, & Privilege

Explanation of Privacy, Confidentiality, & Privilege:

  • Please be advised that there are ethical and legal considerations regarding privacy, confidentiality, and privilege as it relates to one’s information disclosed in treatment and one’s expectation to maintain control over his/her information.

  • Privacy: Involves an individual’s right to control the disclosure of personal information and to keep information to oneself. When a client gives a professional permission or consent to release information the professional only releases the minimum information necessary for the disclosure and within the parameters the client specifically allowed in the consent.

  • Confidentiality: Refers to the professional’s ethical duty to protect private information, including all information obtained in the professional therapeutic relationship. A mental health professional has a professional, ethical, and legal duty to safeguard confidential information from unauthorized disclosure. As a general rule, confidential information is disclosed only when mandated by law or with the client’s written authorization. There are limitations and exceptions, however; which include dangerousness to self or dangerousness to others, or the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of minors, the elderly, or individuals considered vulnerable or at risk.

  • Privilege: A legal concept limited to the protection of confidential information from forced disclosure in court and in other legal proceedings. Privilege refers to the legal obligation that protects a client against forced disclosure of confidential information in court and in other legal proceedings. Privilege also has limits in legal parameters.

  • The provider will respect, protect, and adhere to all ethical and legal obligations with regards to protecting your privacy, confidentiality, and protected health information (PHI).

  • The client or client’s representative and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) must be aware that no one has complete absolute confidentiality.

  • The client may sign a consent to release information form if he/she would like to give permission to the provider to coordinate and/or share the client’s confidential information with a third party.

  • The provider is legally and ethically obligated to report the imminent threat of harm to self or others to proper authorities. The client is advised that the provider will report threats of imminent harm to oneself or others in order to facilitate and ensure the safety of the client and/or others.

  • In circumstances where Wellness Solutions, LLC requests the client for consent to release information to ensure safety and the client declines the consent to release information then Wellness Solutions, LLC will discharge the client from care and the client will not be permitted to readmit to Wellness Solutions, LLC at any time in the future.

  • The provider is legally and ethically compelled to report suspected child abuse, elder abuse, and/or abuse of adults who are disabled or unable to care for themselves.

  • The provider is legally and ethically compelled to report when clients may pose a risk to the public.

  • The provider may be compelled to provide confidential information related to treatment and diagnosis to third party payers and insurance companies as part of the claims submission and utilization review process. The client is advised that confidential information, such as diagnosis codes, provided to third party payers and insurance companies may result in changes to his/her coverage and ability to secure insurance coverage in the future. Further, clients in areas of employment where the pursuit of treatment may have implications on his/her employment are advised that the submission of claims to third party payers and insurance companies may be shared with his/her employer.

  • The provider advises the client information regarding the care of the client may be released or shared with third party payers, insurance providers, and employee assistance plans (EAP).

  • The provider advises the client information may be shared based on need and to allow access to the minimum necessary client information required for purposes of standard business practices, quality control, quality improvement, clinical quality measures, client safety, legal procedures, audits, coordination with insurance companies or third party payers, audits from governmental bodies, credit card vendors, billing purposes, and for other similar purposes.

  • The provider is legally compelled to comply with a subpoena and other actions of the court system in specific situations and circumstances.

  • The client is advised that a client's treatment and all documentation with regard to treatment can be subpoenaed in a court of law.

  • The client is advised that there is no complete and total confidentiality, privacy, or privilege for anyone regardless of circumstances. There are limitations ethically and legally to confidentiality, privacy, and privilege.

  • The provider is legally compelled to allow government agencies access to client information and records for purposes of audits, investigations, and other official purposes.

  • The client relinquishes all rights to privacy and confidentiality in the event the client/client guardian or any agent of the client provides a threat of any type and through any type of communication to Wellness Solutions and/or staff such that Wellness Solutions will protect the Wellness Solutions staff, clients, premises, and reputation.

  • The client is advised that any and all legal and/or ethical rights to privacy and confidentiality are void in the event of legal, ethical, regulatory, or consumer complaints, investigations, audits, hearings, or other legal actions or proceedings.

  • The client’s privacy and confidentiality relinquishes all rights to privacy and confidentiality if the client brings complaint or action against the provider for ethics investigations, HIPAA ONC investigations, or other legal activities, such as, arbitration, mediation, depositions, discovery, or lawsuits.

  • The client is advised that the provider shares information with the following, but not limited to, partners called business associates and has contracts with said associates called Business Associate Agreements (BAA) for normal standard business practices with whom protected health information (PHI) may be shared.

  • Though minors do have a right to privacy, in most sets of circumstances, they do not have confidentiality with the same rights as an adult. Minor clients are advised that there are limitations to confidentiality especially with parents and/or legal guardians.

WS Electronic Communications Policy:

  • All communications with Wellness Solutions, LLC staff are required to be of a professional administrative, clinical, or financial subject matter and using only official Wellness Solutions, LLC communication channels.

  • Though all clients and members of the public are welcome to participate in Wellness Solutions, LLC social media clients are not permitted to privately message or contact Wellness Solutions, LLC to inquire about administrative, clinical, or financial subject matter.

  • Clients are not permitted to communicate with Wellness Solutions, LLC staff by outreaching staff on the staff member’s personal social media or communication channels.

Mandatory Court Reporter:

  • The provider is a mandated court reporter, as such, the provider is legally and ethically compelled to report ANY suspected or reported abuse to minors, the elderly, adults who are at risk for exploitation/abuse or are disabled or unable to care for themselves. Wellness Solutions, LLC is ethically and legally mandated to report any and all suspected verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, financial, and sexual abuse.

  • The provider is not permitted to investigate suspicions or claims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

  • The provider is legally and ethically compelled to report to proper authorities who investigate concerns regarding abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Information necessary for making a report is not covered under confidentiality, privacy, or HIPAA laws or ethical guidelines.

  • The provider is a mandated court reporter for all concerns regarding abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation and makes said reports to Texas Child Protective Services (CPS) or Texas Adult Protective Services (APS )

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Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP)

Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP):

This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how we may use and disclose your protected health information (PHI) to carry out treatment, payment, or health care operations and for other purposes that are permitted or required by law. It also describes your rights to access and control your protected health information. “Protected health information” or “PHI” is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and that relates to your past, present or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services.


As Required By Law: We may use and disclose your protected health information when required to do so by Federal, state or local law.

Legal Proceedings: We may disclose PHI in the course of any judicial or administrative proceeding, in response to an order of a court or administrative tribunal (to the extent such disclosure is expressly authorized), in certain conditions in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process.


Accounting: You can ask for a list (accounting) of the times we shared your health information for six years prior to the date you ask, who we shared it with, and why. We will include all the disclosures except for those about treatment, payment, and health care operations, and certain other disclosures (such as any you asked us to make). We will provide one accounting a year for free but will charge you a reasonable, cost-based fee if you ask for another one within 12 months. We reserve the right to decline more than three requests in one year or an additional request where there is no new information to include.


Treatment: Your Protected Health Information (PHI) may be used and disclosed without your prior authorization by Wellness Solutions, LLC. Our office staff and others outside our office may disclose PHI without your authorization to those who are involved in your care and treatment for the purpose of providing healthcare services to you, to pay your healthcare bills, to support the operation of Wellness Solutions, LLC, and any other use required by law. We will use and disclose your PHI to provide, coordinate, or manage your healthcare and any related services. This includes the coordination or management of your healthcare with a third party. For example, Wellness Solutions, LLC would disclose your PHI, as necessary, to insurance companies.


Healthcare Operations: We may use or disclose, as needed, your PHI in order to support the business activities of Wellness Solutions, LLC. These activities include, but are not limited to, quality assessment activities, employee review activities, employee training, licensing, and conducting or arranging for other business activities. For example, we may disclose or share your PHI to third parties for normal business practices. We may call you by name in the waiting room to see you. We may use or disclose your PHI, as necessary, to contact you to remind you of your appointment or other treatment related activities. We may use and disclose your health information for healthcare and business operations.

Payment: Your PHI will be used, as needed, to obtain payment for your health care services. For example, obtaining approval for treatment may require that your relevant PHI be disclosed to a health plan or employee assistance plan (EAP) to obtain approval for coverage and payment.


Emergencies: We may use or disclose your PHI in an emergency treatment situation. If this happens, we will try to obtain your consent as soon as reasonable and practical. If your healthcare provider or another healthcare provider is required by law to treat you and the healthcare provider has attempted to obtain your consent then he or she may still use or disclose your PHI to treat you.


Request Confidential Communications: You can request communication preferences based on how you would like to receive and share information with Wellness Solutions, LLC. We will agree to reasonable requests based on individual circumstances.


Others Involved in Your Health Care: Unless you object, we may disclose to a member of your family, a relative, a close friend or any other person you identify, your PHI that directly relates to that person’s involvement in your healthcare. If you are unable to agree or object to such disclosure, we may disclose such information as necessary if we determine that it is in your best interest based on our professional judgment. We may use or disclose PHI to notify or assist in notifying a family member, personal representative or any other person that is responsible for the care of your location, general condition, safety concerns, emergency situations, or death. Finally, we may use or disclose your PHI to an authorized public or private entity to assist in disaster relief efforts and to coordinate uses and disclosures to family or other individuals involved in your healthcare.


Social Service, Fundraising, & Community Activities and Events: We may use and disclose your health information in order to contact you for social service fundraising, and community activities and events being held or sponsored or supported by Wellness Solutions, LLC. Examples of these activities and events may be No Suicide Prevention Walks to Raise Awareness and food or clothing drives. If you do not want Wellness Solutions, LLC to contact you for these types of activities and events, you may opt out at any time by calling (713) 893-3989 Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 5:00 PM CST or email Admin@WellnessSolutionsLLC.COM .

Public Health: We may disclose your PHI for public health activities and purposes to a public health authority that is permitted by law to collect or receive the information. This disclosure will be made for the purpose of controlling disease, injury, or disability.

Communicable Diseases: We may disclose your PHI, if authorized by law, to a person who may have been exposed to a communicable disease or may otherwise be at risk of contracting or spreading the disease or condition.


Health Oversight: We may disclose your PHI to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law, such as audits, investigations, and inspections. Oversight agencies seeking this information include government agencies that oversee the health care system, government benefit programs, and other government regulatory programs.

Abuse or Neglect: We may disclose your PHI to a public health authority that is authorized by law to receive reports of child, elder, or persons with disabilities for suspected abuse or neglect. In addition, we may disclose your PHI if we believe that you have been a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence to the governmental entity or agency authorized to receive such information. In this case, the disclosure will be made consistent with the requirements of applicable Federal and state laws.


Food and Drug Administration: We may disclose your PHI to a person or company required by the Food and Drug Administration (i) to report adverse events, product defects or problems, biologic product deviations, track products; (ii) to enable product recalls; (iii) to make repairs or replacements; or (iv) to conduct post marketing surveillance, as required.


Coroners, Funeral Directors and Organ Donation: We may disclose your PHI to a coroner or medical examiner for identification purposes, determining cause of death or for the coroner or medical examiner to perform other duties authorized by law. We may also disclose PHI to a funeral director, as authorized by law, in order to permit the funeral director to carry out their duties. We may disclose such information in reasonable anticipation of death. PHI may be disclosed for cadaveric organ, eye or tissue donation purposes.


Research: We may disclose your PHI to researchers when their research has been approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that has reviewed the research proposal and established protocols to ensure the privacy of your PHI.


Criminal Activity: Consistent with applicable Federal and state laws, we may use or disclose your PHI if we believe that the use or disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and/or imminent threat to the health or safety of a person or the public.


Military Activity and National Security: When the appropriate conditions apply, we may use or disclose PHI of individuals who are Armed Forces personnel: (i) for activities deemed necessary by appropriate military command authorities; (ii) for the purpose of a determination by the Department of Veterans Affairs; or (iii) to foreign military authority if you are a member of the foreign military services.


Workers’ Compensation: We may use or disclose your PHI as authorized to comply with workers’ compensation laws and other similar legally-established programs.


Inmates: We may use or disclose your PHI if you are an inmate of a correctional facility and your health care provider created or received your PHI in the course of providing care to you.

Copy of this Notice:  You can ask for a paper copy of this notice at any time, even if you have agreed to receive the notice electronically. This may include medical and billing records, but does not include any psychotherapy notes. We will provide you with a paper copy promptly.


You may also find a copy of this notice on the Wellness Solutions, LLC website which is WWW.WellnessSolutionsLLC.COM All individuals who sign documents via electronic signature receive their own copy. Wellness Solutions, LLC reserves the right to provide a clinical summary of care instead of clinical notes, progress notes, or psychotherapy notes. If you request copies, we may charge you a reasonable fee to locate and copy your information and postage if you want the copies mailed to you.


Amendment: You have the right to request that we amend your health information. This means you may ask us not to use or disclose any part of your PHI for the purposes of treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. You may also request that any part of your PHI not be disclosed to family members or friends who may be involved in your care or for notification purposes as described in this Notice of Privacy Practices. Your request must state the specific restriction requested and to whom you want the restriction to apply. The specific restrictions you are requesting must be made in writing and give Wellness Solutions, LLC reasonable time to implement your request. Your health care provider is not required to agree to a restriction that you may request. If your health care provider believes it is in your best interest to permit use and disclosure of your PHI, your PHI will not be restricted. You then have the right to use another healthcare provider. If your health care provider does agree to the requested restriction, we may not use or disclose your PHI in violation of that restriction unless it is needed to provide emergency treatment. 


Our Responsibilities:

  • We are required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your protected health information.

  • We will let you know promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised the privacy or security of your information.

  • We must follow the duties and privacy practices described in this notice and give you a copy of it.

  • We will not use or share your information other than as described here unless you tell us we can in writing. If you tell us we can, you may change your mind at any time. Let us know in writing if you change your mind.

  • We can change the terms of this notice, and the changes will apply to all information we have about you. The new notice will be available upon request, in our office, and on our website.

  • You can complain if you feel we have violated your rights by contacting the Corporate Privacy Officer Danielle C. Ellis MA, MCJ, LPC, NCC at (713) 893-3989 Monday-Friday 9 AM - 5 PM CST or by emailing Admin@WellnessSolutionsLLC.COM or Clinical@WellnessSolutionsLLC.COM . Wellness Solutions, LLC mailing address is as follows: 8000 Research Forest Drive, Suite 115 PMB 1168, The Woodlands, Texas 77382. (The entire address must be included or we will not receive it.)

  • You can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201, by calling 1-877-696-6775 or by visiting

  • We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.


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Website Disclaimer

Disclaimer for Website, Products, Programs & Services

Website Products and Services


We cannot guarantee any results or outcomes if you choose to purchase a workshop e-kit, an e-book, an e-packet of information, or any other products, documents, programs or professional service offered on this website. As with any business-related program, product or service that you purchase, your results may vary, and will be based on many variables, so therefore no guarantees can be made. You agree that Wellness Solutions, LLC and employees or affiliates are not responsible for the success or failure of your personal life decisions, goals and relationships, business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, your well being or the well-being of you or your clients, or any other result or consequence of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website, blog, social media, or our programs, products and services. You are solely responsible for the outcomes, consequences and results for your life, life choices, business, business clients and all other related aspects of your life, business and well being.


Affiliate Marketing


Wellness Solutions, LLC occasionally partners as an affiliate with other businesses.  This means that any time you click on a book recommendation link in our resources page, and should you then choose to purchase that book through the Amazon website, Wellness Solutions, LLC will receive a very small percentage of that sale. We only share books, products, and resources that we support, use and believe in and we do not sell to clients or non clients. If you choose to purchase a product on this website, or if you choose to purchase a product on another website where we provide the link, you agree to assume full responsibility for using the information on this site, and you understand and agree that Wellness Solutions, LLC and its employees, associates or affiliates, are not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, or damage resulting from its use by you or any user. We cannot guarantee any results or outcomes if you choose to purchase a workshop e-kit, an e-book, an e-packet of information, or any other products, documents, programs or professional service offered on this website or through a website link we provide or an affiliates website or business. As with any business-related program, product, material, book or service that you purchase, your results may vary, and will be based on many variables, so therefore no guarantees can be made. 


Restrictions on Use of Materials 


While we believe the information, products, materials, resources, services and documents provided on and through the Site to be factual and accurate, but we cannot guarantee that they are. The information, products, materials, resources, services and documents on this Site are not intended to be a substitute for legal, financial, professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Reliance on the information or the documents contained on the Site is solely at your own risk.


Because you may be residing in a different part of the country, and the law varies by state, as the law is constantly changing, it is important to understand that it affects each individual and business in different ways.  As a result, if you are seeking services or products to support you or your business, it is recommended to seek outside financial and/or legal counsel relating to your specific circumstances as needed. If you have legal and financial questions or concerns, it is advisable to consult with your tax accountant or lawyer for all questions and concerns you have, may have, or hereafter have regarding any and all information, products and services presented or sold by Wellness Solutions, LLC website, products, services and programs pertaining to your specific legal or financial situation.


Site Contents Copyright and Use


The contents of this Site are protected by national and international copyright and trademark laws, and are the property of Wellness Solutions, LLC. You may not change or delete any author credit, trademark, legend, proprietary or copyright notices. You must follow and observe all additional copyright notices or other restrictions contained in any parts of the Site. Any accidental use of materials or images on behalf of Wellness Solutions, LLC that may be under copyright should be made aware to WS so that the information can be taken down or replaced. Wellness Solutions, LLC will be held harmless of accidental or mistaken oversights regarding copyright and will take down such information or media when made aware of any infringement. 


You may not modify, copy, publish, display, transmit, reverse-engineer, adapt or in any way exploit the content of the Site, except as necessary to perform the function on the Site, unless you request and receive prior written permission from us or the owners.


Professional Services


It is important that you do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional therapy support or advice because of information you have read on the Wellness Solutions, LLC, the blog, newsletter, social media, mailed information, products, or information you have received from Wellness Solutions, LLC through any means whatsoever. It is important to note that although Wellness Solutions, LLC provides, coaching, and psychotherapy it is not providing medical, psychological, financial, consulting, coaching, supervision, or religious advice or services whatsoever on this website. Nothing on the Wellness Solutions, LLC website, blog, social media, programs, products, webinars and services shall be interpreted as entering you into a therapeutic, counseling, spiritual advising, legal advising, coaching or supervision relationship with Wellness Solutions, LLC










Limitation of Liability 





You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Wellness Solutions, LLC its representatives, officers, directors, and employees from all liabilities, claims, costs, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, that arise from your use of the Site, the Site's blog, products, programs, services, your posting, downloading or transmission of communications or material on this Site, or from your violation of applicable law or from violation of applicable law.

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Social Media Policy

Wellness Solutions welcomes everyone to access, enjoy, and participate in our social media and community events. WS actively participates in FaceBook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, & Twitter, and others.


All are welcome to like, friend, share, and follow our content. If you find our social media publicly then you are welcome to participate, share, engage, and get involved!


Wellness Solutions also supports community activities, such as, clothing drives, food drives, abuse recovery and education activities, suicide prevention and awareness programs, and no stigma awareness and advocacy. We invite everyone to participate in WS community activities -current, former, perspective clients and members of their support systems, and all members of the community.


We encourage participation to be respectful and inclusive. We cultivate a culture of diversity, inclusion, and positive presence for everyone.


We advise all clients to reference our social media policy contained in the intake documents signed upon admission if you have any questions.


Though it may seem like common sense, we recommend everyone be aware that participation in social media invites privacy and confidentiality concerns which everyone should be aware of and make one’s own decisions regarding his or her comfort level when they engage in online activities.

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Terms of Service

Effective Date: 9/1/2024

Welcome to Wellness Solutions, LLC ("We," "Us," or "Our"). These Terms of Service govern your use of our website and services. By accessing or using our site, you agree to comply with these terms.

1. Services Provided

We offer counseling, psychotherapy, and coaching services through our website. These services are not a substitute for medical or emergency care.

2. Client Responsibilities

  • You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information during the intake process.

  • You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any login information or account details.

  • You agree not to misuse the website by attempting unauthorized access or disrupting the services.

3. Telehealth Services

  • If you use our telehealth services, you must ensure that you have appropriate technology (stable internet connection, video capabilities) and a private, secure environment for sessions.

  • You acknowledge that telehealth services are subject to limitations such as technology failures.

4. Intellectual Property

  • All content on this website, including text, images, and logos, is the intellectual property of [Your Practice Name]. You may not reproduce or distribute this content without prior written permission.

5. Limitation of Liability

  • We are not responsible for any damages, losses, or liabilities resulting from the use of our services or the website.

6. Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at 713-893-3989 or

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Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 9/1/2024

1. What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you visit a website. They help websites function and provide reporting information.

2. How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Necessary Cookies: These cookies are essential for our website to function properly.

  • Analytics Cookies: These cookies help us understand how visitors use our website by collecting information about your visit.

  • Functional Cookies: These cookies allow us to remember your preferences and provide enhanced features.

3. Managing Cookies

You can control cookies through your browser settings. Please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our website.

4. Third-Party Cookies

Some cookies may be placed by third parties, such as analytics providers (e.g., Google Analytics). These cookies are subject to the respective privacy policies of those providers.

5. Updates to This Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time. Please review it periodically for any changes.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions about our use of cookies, please contact us at 713-893-3989 or

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Accessibility Statement

Effective Date: 9/1/2024

At Wellness Solutions, LLC, we are committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. We strive to meet accessibility standards and provide a seamless experience for everyone.

1. Accessibility Features

We have implemented the following features to improve website accessibility:

  • Text descriptions for images and interactive elements

  • Keyboard navigation support

  • High contrast design to improve visibility

  • Responsive design for mobile and tablet use

2. Ongoing Efforts

We are continually improving our accessibility efforts and monitoring the site to ensure compliance with accessibility standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

3. Assistive Technology

We recommend the following assistive technologies for a better browsing experience on our site:

  • Screen readers (e.g., JAWS, NVDA)

  • Text-to-speech software

  • Voice recognition software

4. Contact Us

If you encounter any accessibility barriers or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us at [Insert Contact Email or Phone Number]. We will make every reasonable effort to address your concerns.

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Effective Date: 9/1/2024

The information provided on the Wellness Solutions, LLC website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional counseling, diagnosis, or treatment.

1. No Counselor-Client Relationship

Your use of this website does not establish a counselor-client relationship between you and [Your Practice Name]. If you wish to engage in our counseling services, please schedule an appointment through the appropriate channels.

2. Not Medical or Emergency Advice

Content on this website is not intended to provide medical advice or serve as an emergency resource. If you are experiencing a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your nearest emergency room or dial 911.

3. Limitation of Liability

[Your Practice Name] is not liable for any damages, losses, or injuries arising from your reliance on information provided on this site. Always seek direct consultation with a qualified mental health professional for personal concerns.

4. External Links

This website may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of external websites and encourage you to review their terms and policies.

5. Changes to This Disclaimer

We reserve the right to update this disclaimer at any time. Please check this page periodically for any updates.

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Client Rights, Expectations, & Responsibilities


Effective Date: 9/1/2024


Client Rights, Expectations, & Responsibilities:


Client Rights:

As a client of Wellness Solutions, LLC, you have the following rights:

Non-Discrimination: You have the right to receive services without discrimination based on age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, or any other personal attributes.


Humane Environment: You have the right to a safe and humane environment that provides protection from harm and respects your privacy.

Freedom from Abuse: You have the right to be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

Informed Treatment: You have the right to be informed about the treatment you will receive, including the risks, benefits, and available alternatives. You also have the right to refuse treatment and be informed of the possible consequences.

Participation in Treatment Planning: You have the right to be actively involved in creating your treatment plan and to request changes to it at any time.

Privacy and Confidentiality: You have the right to have your personal information kept private, with disclosures made only as required or permitted by law. You will be informed when your information may be shared without your explicit permission.

Right to Withdraw Consent: You have the right to withdraw any consent or permission you have given at any time.

Provider Information: You have the right to know about the qualifications and credentials of your provider, including their experience and training.

Treatment Options: You have the right to be informed about available treatment options and the effectiveness of recommended treatments.

Second Opinions and Referrals: You have the right to request a second opinion or a referral to another provider.

Discharge Planning: You have the right to be involved in planning your discharge from treatment.

Complaints and Grievances: You have the right to file complaints or grievances and receive a timely and fair response.

Decision-Making: You have the right to be treated as capable of making your own decisions, with autonomy and respect.

Respect and Dignity: You have the right to be treated with dignity, respect, and consideration throughout your care.

Personal Preferences: You have the right to have your personal preferences, values, and needs respected and considered in your treatment.

Clear Communication: You have the right to have all treatment matters explained to you in a way that you can easily understand.

Client Expectations & Responsibilities:

As a client of Wellness Solutions, LLC, you are expected to:

Attend Appointments: Attend all scheduled appointments and reschedule or cancel within the appropriate time frame.

Be Punctual: Attend appointments on time and adhere to care related turn around times and deadlines in a reasonable timeframe. 

Complete Assignments: Complete any treatment assignments or homework as agreed upon with your provider.

Financial Responsibility: Take responsibility for understanding your insurance benefits and policy provisions, including the network status of providers. Pay for all services provided, regardless of reimbursement from third-party payors.

Honesty in Treatment: Be honest throughout the therapeutic process and communicate openly with your provider.

Communicate Needs: Inform your provider if you feel your needs are not being met or if you have concerns about the quality of care or progress in treatment.

Active Participation: Actively participate in developing and implementing your treatment plan.

Follow Treatment Recommendations: Follow through with recommended treatments, including referrals to other providers or clinically relevant services.

Report Safety Concerns: Inform your provider of any concerns related to safety, including thoughts of self-harm, suicidal behavior, substance use, or any other behavior that may pose a risk to yourself or others.

Adhere to Policies: Comply with all policies and procedures of Wellness Solutions, LLC, including those outlined in the Informed Consent and Disclosure documents.

Provide Accurate Information: Provide accurate and complete information about your health, symptoms, and mental health.

Update Provider on Changes: Report any changes in your condition or symptoms in a timely and honest manner.

Identify and Report Safety Issues: Identify and report any safety concerns that could affect your care.

Comply with Safety Plans: Adhere to any safety plan developed with your provider.

Respect Boundaries: Respect and abide by the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship.

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Informed Consent & Disclosures Part 1

Introduction to Wellness Solutions, LLC Informed Consent & Disclosures:

  • Informed consent and disclosures is a process of developing an understanding regarding the therapeutic process. It is a thorough, detailed, and ongoing information-sharing agreement between the provider and the client. The purpose of informed consent and disclosures is to ensure that the client and/or the client’s representative(s) is/are able to make an informed decision to engage in the treatment process with a comprehensive foundation of knowledge, such that, the client, and/or client’s representative(s) is/are educated about what they are consenting to when they agree to participate in treatment. 


  • Informed consent and disclosures provides an explanation about what treatment is, how treatment works, the possible benefits and risks of treatment, the boundaries (rules) of the therapeutic relationship, the responsibilities of the client, the responsibilities of the provider, the client’s financial responsibilities, and the client’s rights and limitations to privacy and confidentiality. 
    Informed consent and disclosures helps define the roles and responsibilities of all individuals engaged in the treatment process to effectively address and manage expectations by providing thorough information regarding consent and detailed disclosure regarding the treatment process. 


Disclaimer About terminology:

  • For the purposes of this document the term "provider" includes any and all of the following: Clinical staff, Administrative staff, Billing Staff, and any/all Sub-Contractors, and any/all employees of Wellness Solutions, LLC, unless stated otherwise. For the purposes of this document, the term “client” includes any/or all of the following: Clients, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a client, and/or a client’s representative(s). Additionally, throughout the intake document the they/them/their pronouns are used to refer to a client in order to ensure formatting and wording is cohesive and easier to understand. 


Qualifications of  Owner & Staff:

  • Danielle C. Ellis, MA, MCJ, LPC, NCC has a BA in Psychology, MA in Professional Counseling Psychology, and a MA in Criminal Justice Administration. Dani is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the State of Texas (License Number 63315). Additionally, she is also a National Certified Counselor (NCC) by the National Board of Certified Counselors. She is the owner of Wellness Solutions, LLC. For additional information on her education, experience, licensure, and work history please see the Wellness Solutions, LLC website (WWW.WellnessSsolutionsLLC.COM). 


  • The provider commits that any and all clinical staff providing direct care to clients meet or exceed the minimum requirements by law in the State of Texas for the position in which the staff provides care. Further, all Wellness Solutions, LLC clinical and non-clinical employees are professionally trained, educated, and meet all ethical and legal requirements by law. 


Emergency and Crisis Information:

  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide immediate, urgent, or emergent services. 


  • If you are in an emergency please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. 


  • If you are unable to schedule an appointment and feel that you cannot wait for an appointment please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. 


  • If one is experiencing symptoms that are so severe that one requires immediate, urgent, or emergent care then Wellness Solutions is not the appropriate level of care to address that level of risk and symptom severity. 


  • Please pursue treatment that can provide you with the emergency care you require to ensure safety by reporting to the nearest emergency room or calling 911. Please visit the Wellness Solutions website and click on the “Safety Resources” tab for emergency crisis resources.  


  • Please refer to the Wellness Solutions, LLC website for emergency and crisis resources and click on the “Safety Resources” tab. There are extensive resources to assist you with obtaining emergency services. 


Be Kind. Be Respectful. Take Ownership of Your Energy:  

  • WS makes every effort to provide a comfortable, peaceful, safe, and accommodating environment for our clients and staff. WS is a therapeutic environment, community, and group practice that is welcoming, compassionate, open-minded, and accepting. Wellness Solutions will protect the energy of our healing space and the peace of mind, safety, and wellbeing of our clients and our staff. Wellness Solutions, LLC staff are not obligated to be the recipients of anyone’s projected, displaced, or inappropriate behavior or anger. Our administrative, billing and clinical staff will be respected as humans and as professionals. Anyone who mistreats, disrespects, or abuses WS staff will be immediately discharged from care, refused services, or banned from communications. 



Clients are responsible for their own appointment management: 

  • Adult clients are expected to take adult responsibility for their own treatment. WS will not allow any adult other than the adult client to schedule appointments, discuss insurance or billing, or address any administrative, billing, or clinical issue. Wellness Solutions, LLC will not communicate with any adult other than the adult client regarding any care or treatment. 


Telehealth Services: 

  • Wellness Solutions, LLC provides all services via telehealth. Clinicians will send an email with a link to a client appointment at the time of the scheduled appointment. 


  • The links are NOT sent in advance. 


  • The links are NOT reused each session. 


  • The emails with the links are sent at the start time of the session. 


  • We will send the email with the link to the appointment to the email account that the client registered with their intake forms. 


  • Clients are expected to have access to reliable independent technology to attend telehealth appointments. 


  • Clients should be in a private and stationary location to ensure the quality of the session is not compromised.


  • Clients should be able to maintain confidentiality and focus throughout the session which means ensuring that the client is in a private environment. 


  • Clients are not permitted to drive a car, operate heavy machinery, or participate in telehealth counseling sessions where confidentiality or privacy may be compromised. 


  • Client sessions should be in a distraction-free comfortable and private environment conducive to positive engagement. 


  • Clients are not permitted to conduct sessions in a public or semi-public environment, with other individuals present, while multitasking with other activities, or take calls or participate in any other interruptions while in session and if this takes place the session will end and the client will be responsible for the full fee of the session. 



Provides Services for Clients Physically Located in the State of Texas: 

  • Wellness Solutions, LLC clinical staff are licensed mental health professionals in the State of Texas. 


  • All clients receiving Wellness Solutions, LLC telehealth services are required to be physically located in the State of Texas at the time of their telehealth appointment. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC is not able to provide services to clients who are physically located outside the State of Texas. 


Definition of Counseling, Coaching, Therapy, Treatment, & Psychotherapy:

  • There are many interpretations and definitions to distinguish between counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment; however, contained herein is a general explanation of these terms to provide a basic understanding. 


  • Counseling includes assistance, guidance, and support resolving personal, emotional, and other difficulties or stressors. 


  • Psychotherapy is the treatment of psychological disorders or maladjustments utilizing clinical techniques. 


  • Counseling and psychotherapy are terms that are often used interchangeably though psychotherapy is best understood as based in clinical acuity including diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioral disorders whereas counseling includes problems of everyday living that cause distress. 


  • Treatment or therapy may also be used as a synonym for counseling and psychotherapy. 


  • Counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment focus on problems or symptoms that rise to a level of severity that impair one’s ability to function at their optimal levels. The goal of counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment is to reduce, extinguish, or resolve symptoms and problems so the individual may recover and return to his/her previous optimal level of functioning.


  • Counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment achieve this through clinically appropriate evidence-based and empirically supported and validated interventions. Counseling and psychotherapy are provided by licensed mental health professionals who receive extensive education, training, supervision, and experience to develop and refine clinical and professional expertise. 


  • Counseling and psychotherapy education and licensure require a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, Ph.D., or PsyD in clinical psychology, clinical social work, or counseling. Counseling and psychotherapy education and licensure require ongoing training and consultation throughout one’s career. Counseling and psychotherapy licensure and treatment provide professional protections to clients, such as, privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication. 


  • Licensed professional counselors follow professional, ethical standards, codes, and guidelines that are standardized and protected by law. In most circumstances, counseling and psychotherapy are covered benefits for managed care insurance policies. 


  • Coaching is a process to empower individuals to develop strategies for achieving their personal best. Coaching assists individuals identify and augment strengths. Coaching focuses on holistic health and wellness. Wellness is a state of optimal performance and is not merely the absence of disease. Coaching assists individuals with identifying and exploring strengths, goals, and future-oriented plans. Coaching does not include the assessment, diagnosis, intervention, or treatment of mental, behavioral, or psychological disorders. Though many counselors and psychotherapists do utilize coaching as a change-facilitation strategy to assist their client's coaching is not a treatment and does not have requirements for education, training, supervision, or licensure. Coaching does not provide a client with legal or ethical protections for privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication. Further, coaching is not a covered benefit for managed care insurance policies. 


The Therapeutic Process:


  • The therapeutic process includes the following: Identifying strengths, developing problem-solving techniques, coping skills, assertiveness skills, impulse control skills, boundary-setting skills, and communication skills. It may also include receiving positive supportive and empathic feedback, impartial objective feedback, polite challenges to illogical thought processes, respectful confrontation regarding maladaptive or inappropriate thinking, feeling, and behaving. 


  • The therapeutic process may entail education regarding mental health treatment and diagnosis, healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices as it relates to mental and behavioral health, stress management, spiritual or value identification and development, existential exploration, insight development, awareness of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, assisting with goal development and achievement, accountability to support goal attainment, and learning about emotions, cognitive processes, and personal development. Further, the therapeutic process may include the following, but not limited to: Positive emotional support and validation, reframing experiences, resolving trauma, increasing understanding regarding motivation and behavior, and having a physical and emotionally safe place to explore one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a healing positive, and non-judgmental environment. 


  • The desired outcome of therapeutic treatment is to reduce or eliminate symptoms, reduce maladaptive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, to reduce or eliminate distress, and to explore, as well as, implement individualized strategies and interventions to help a client achieve his/her goals. Further, desired outcomes of treatment may include but are not limited to the following: Increasing relationship satisfaction, improving relationship quality, assisting with identifying and augmenting strengths, learning healthy coping strategies, increasing functioning in specific areas of a client’s life, to identify and utilize resources, develop resilience and resourcefulness, to increase self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-efficacy.


The Therapeutic Relationship & Professional Boundaries: 


  • Although therapy sessions may be very personal, the relationship between a client and therapist/provider is a professional relationship. A therapeutic relationship is an integral tool necessary for change to take place and to successfully achieve treatment goals. Therefore, there are very specific ethical and legal mandates pertaining to the therapeutic relationship to protect the client and facilitate positive change. The therapeutic relationship is a unique relationship where a client is able to explore, process, and develop insight, awareness, and skills to address symptoms, stressors, functional impairments, and issues that are personal, sensitive, painful, and vulnerable. 


  • The therapeutic relationship is private, confidential, and non-judgemental. It includes clearly defined rules and expectations. This is a unique relationship where clients can safely explore personal issues. The therapeutic relationship respects the beliefs, values, and dignity of the client. The only beliefs and values that are relevant in the therapeutic relationship are that of the client. The provider’s personal beliefs and values are not relevant in the therapeutic relationship and are not part of professional expertise or evidenced-based interventions. The therapeutic relationship promotes emotional safety and healing. Clients receive impartial, fair, objective, evidenced-based interventions and feedback. The client receives impartial feedback from a professional who has demonstrated expertise based on education, training, and experience in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of emotional and psychological disorders. The therapeutic relationship, though emotionally intimate, is not friendship nor is it permitted to extend beyond a professional relationship. The therapeutic relationship is time-limited, professional, and one-sided as it exists to meet the emotional needs of the client and not the provider. The provider takes the privileged position of a therapeutic relationship with clients very seriously and maintains a strict adherence to the ethical and legal boundaries inherent to that relationship. 


  • The client and provider do not engage in multiple relationships or dual relationships nor do they engage in activities or situations outside of the therapeutic treatment session. The provider does not engage in dual relationships which means that the provider will not have social relationships with clients or accept clients with whom the provider may have a social or family relationship. The client and provider do not engage in communication unless it is of a professional or clinical subject matter.  Professional boundaries are maintained at all times.


  • The therapeutic relationship is professional and based on timed sessions that are fee-for-service. The provider does not accept gifts from clients. The provider does not barter services due to potential conflicts of interest. 


  • If the client and provider should see one another in public the provider will not acknowledge the client unless the client acknowledges the provider first. The provider will make every effort to protect the client’s confidentiality. The provider will not confirm or deny that any individual is a client without consent to release information. Any and all concerns with regard to clinical boundary violations should be reported to the provider and provider’s supervisor immediately. 



Therapeutic Journey and Motivation: 


  • Therapy is a client’s personal journey of change to develop insight, awareness, positive skills, and methods to think, feel, and behave in a healthy, adaptive, resourceful, and resilient way. If a client is not dedicated, motivated, and willing to demonstrate perseverance and commitment to the therapeutic process, then therapy will not help the client. Therefore, the counseling journey is the client’s responsibility. 


  • There is no help a provider can give a client that will overcome a lack of motivation, willingness, cooperativeness, or authentic engagement of the client. 
    It is the client’s responsibility to participate in treatment in an honest, forthcoming, transparent, and proactive manner. 
    In order for treatment to be successful, the client must do the work. There are no shortcuts to personal change. Simply talking about a problem or a symptom is not enough to facilitate necessary, sufficient, and measurable change. One must actively engage in the process of change and participate pro-actively for legitimate meaningful change to occur. 


  • The provider is a guide to help the client through the therapeutic journey and is not responsible for doing the work of therapy and change for the client. It is important to have realistic expectations regarding one’s potential for change and one’s willingness to participate and engage in the treatment process in an authentic and genuine manner. The desire for change is insufficient to facilitate and achieve actionable lasting personal change and transformation. The client is encouraged to recognize that really meaningful change is a process for which they are ultimately solely responsible.


Services Provided & Populations Served: 

  • Wellness Solutions, LLC provides outpatient counseling and/or psychotherapy for mild, moderate, or severe mental health disorders, substance abuse disorders, eating disorders, self-injurious behaviors, and problems of everyday living. 
    Services are provided by appointment only. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not accept “walk-in” appointments. 
    Wellness Solutions, LLC provides telehealth appointments to clients who are physically located in the state of Texas. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC also provides or engages in community-based services such as food drives, clothing drives, toy drives, classes, seminars, mental health advocacy, educational advocacy, disability advocacy, and other pro-social activities. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC also provides coaching based on holistic positive psychology concepts. 



All Services are Provided on a Voluntary Basis: 


  • The client has the right to consent to receive or refuse services at any time and for any reason. 


  • The client has the right to rescind consent for services at any time and for any reason. 


  • The client is provided services on a voluntary basis. 


  • The provider also reserves the right to refuse services to the client for any reason and at any time. 


  • The provider reserves the right to terminate care if the client is non-compliant with the treatment plan, is non-compliant with a safety plan, is unwilling/unable to pay for services, or for any reason deemed appropriate by the provider. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide court-ordered or mandatory outpatient counseling, psychotherapy, or treatment and will not provide care or participate in the treatment of a client or clinical case involving interactions with the legal system. 



Modalities of Treatment: 

  • The following is a list of treatment of modalities, theoretical orientations, clinical interventions utilized by Wellness Solutions, LLC: Psychotherapy, Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Person-Centered Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapies, Boundary Setting, Communication Skills, Assertiveness Skills, and counseling and therapeutic interventions and activities.  Wellness Solutions, LLC only utilizes and endorses therapeutic interventions that are Empirically Supported Treatment (EST) validated and Evidenced-Based Treatments (EBT). Based on the client’s needs there may be other treatment modalities, theoretical orientations, or clinical interventions used by Wellness Solutions, LLC.



General Session Description: 


  • Sessions are 45-50 minutes in duration. In the event, a session exceeds 45-50 minutes the client will be charged in accordance with Wellness Solutions, LLC fees. The client should be aware that fees for session time overage are not covered by insurance. 
    Sessions include the client and clinician discussing problems, symptoms, and presenting concerns. 


  • Sessions include encouraging the client to explore, develop, learn, and practice coping skills, problem-solving skills, accessing appropriate support systems or resources, and other psychotherapeutic skills to decrease symptoms, improve functioning, and resolve areas of distress. 


  • Sessions include assisting the client to attain the client’s highest level of functioning, alleviate symptoms causing distress to the client, and provide the client with skills, strategies, resources, and support systems.


  • Sessions may include exploring, learning, practicing, utilizing, and accessing treatment resources, such as articles, worksheets, books, apps, therapeutic homework assignments, and videos to assist the client complete treatment objectives and achieve treatment plan goals. 


  • Sessions may include reviewing and processing assignments to be practiced or worked on outside of the session to assist clients with skill development and goal achievement. 


  • Sessions may include assignments outside of the sessions to assist the client to learn, develop, and practice skills to assist the client to achieve his/her goals. 
    Interventions are individualized based on the specific identified symptoms, problems, needs, objectives, and goals of the client. 
    Interventions and assignments range from a diverse range of media, technology, information, resources, and supports that best suit a client’s learning style and preferences. 



  • Clients are strongly encouraged and recommended to bring three topics or areas of concern to address in the session. This policy empowers a client to take responsibility for their session time and use their session time in an effective manner. It is not the responsibility of the clinical staff to determine or uncover the topics a client wants to discuss. 



First Session/Intake Session Description:


  • In the first session, the provider will discuss and explain informed consent and other relevant and useful information. 


  • The provider will conduct an assessment that includes asking questions regarding the client’s history, precipitating events for seeking treatment, current strengths and stressful concerns, goals of treatment, and obtaining information to assist in the treatment process. 


  • The client and the provider will collaborate to share information, establish rapport, and develop an understanding of the expectations and goals of treatment. 
    Subsequent Session Description (Second Session And Further):


  • Sessions include discussing problems, symptoms, and areas of concern, as well as, strengths, resources, and interventions to assist the client to develop coping skills, decision-making skills, strategies to increase effectiveness, and other clinical techniques to help a client achieve their goals. Sessions may feel uplifting and energizing. Sessions may also feel tired, heavy, or anxiety-provoking. There is a vast array of thoughts and feelings one may experience throughout the course of treatment. Sessions vary in content and results based on the content of topics and symptoms identified or the types of skills being learned and developed. 


  • A client is expected to inform the provider if the client is having concerns regarding safety, suicidal thoughts or feelings, homicidal thoughts or feelings, self-harm thoughts or behaviors, psychotic symptoms, or any other thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that may cause risk for harm or safety. 


  • A client is expected to be prepared for the session and bring topics that they would like to discuss in session and not anticipate that the provider will “mind read” or “guess” what topic, symptom, or problem that the client may want to address. 
    Having expertise in mental health does not include mind-reading as a skill set. Your provider cannot assist you if you are not forthcoming, honest, transparent, and engaged in your care. 


  • The subject matter of sessions is the ultimate responsibility of the client, however; a provider may exercise clinical discretion in guiding a session and addressing symptoms, skill development, problem-solving, and interventions. 
    Treatment Duration/Progress In Treatment/Length of Stay In Treatment: 


  • The duration of time in therapy and anticipated length of stay for outpatient counseling, coaching, and psychotherapy is dependent on multiple variables, which include but are not limited to, the presenting problem, diagnosis, severity of areas of concern, compliance to the treatment plan, and motivation of the client. The length of time in treatment and progress towards goals is based on many variables which include the client’s specific needs, objectives, and goals. Treatment duration and progress, regardless of symptom severity or acuity, is significantly impacted by a client’s willingness to participate honestly and authentically, as well as, one’s consistent and determined motivation, access to resources, and the presence of a positive healthy support system. 


  • The average length of stay for short-term solution-focused mild stressors that include one problem of everyday living is approximately ten sessions; however, every individual and presenting problem is unique. Individuals with moderate to severe clinical mental health or substance abuse presenting problems may expect an extended length of stay that exceeds 35-50 sessions in one year, again every individual and presenting problem is unique. 


  • Individuals seeking treatment for trauma recovery, eating disorders, psychosis, or self-injury may generally expect significantly extended lengths of stay in treatment compared to other moderate to severe mental health presenting problems. 
    Treatment progress is determined by achieving identified objectives and goals. Periodically, treatment objectives and goals will be evaluated to ensure one is benefiting from treatment. Throughout the treatment episode, a client may achieve objectives and goals only to determine that they have new needs and concerns to be addressed, at which time, the client and provider collaborate together and develop new objectives and goals. Further, a client may initially seek treatment for a specific area of concern and discover additional areas of concern to be included in their treatment plan.  


Subsequent Session Description (Second Session And Further):


  • Sessions include discussing problems, symptoms, and areas of concern, as well as, strengths, resources, and interventions to assist the client to develop coping skills, decision-making skills, strategies to increase effectiveness, and other clinical techniques to help a client achieve their goals. Sessions may feel uplifting and energizing. Sessions may also feel tired, heavy, or anxiety-provoking. There is a vast array of thoughts and feelings one may experience throughout the course of treatment. Sessions vary in content and results based on the content of topics and symptoms identified or the types of skills being learned and developed. 


  • A client is expected to inform the provider if the client is having concerns regarding safety, suicidal thoughts or feelings, homicidal thoughts or feelings, self-harm thoughts or behaviors, psychotic symptoms, or any other thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that may cause risk for harm or safety. 


  • A client is expected to be prepared for the session and bring topics that they would like to discuss in session and not anticipate that the provider will “mind read” or “guess” what topic, symptom, or problem that the client may want to address. 
    Having expertise in mental health does not include mind-reading as a skill set. Your provider cannot assist you if you are not forthcoming, honest, transparent, and engaged in your care. 


  • The subject matter of sessions is the ultimate responsibility of the client, however; a provider may exercise clinical discretion in guiding a session and addressing symptoms, skill development, problem-solving, and interventions. 


Treatment Duration/Progress In Treatment/Length of Stay In Treatment: 


  • The duration of time in therapy and anticipated length of stay for outpatient counseling, coaching, and psychotherapy is dependent on multiple variables, which include but are not limited to, the presenting problem, diagnosis, severity of areas of concern, compliance to the treatment plan, and motivation of the client. The length of time in treatment and progress towards goals is based on many variables which include the client’s specific needs, objectives, and goals. Treatment duration and progress, regardless of symptom severity or acuity, is significantly impacted by a client’s willingness to participate honestly and authentically, as well as, one’s consistent and determined motivation, access to resources, and the presence of a positive healthy support system. 


  • The average length of stay for short-term solution-focused mild stressors that include one problem of everyday living is approximately ten sessions; however, every individual and presenting problem is unique. Individuals with moderate to severe clinical mental health or substance abuse presenting problems may expect an extended length of stay that exceeds 35-50 sessions in one year, again every individual and presenting problem is unique. 


  • Individuals seeking treatment for trauma recovery, eating disorders, psychosis, or self-injury may generally expect significantly extended lengths of stay in treatment compared to other moderate to severe mental health presenting problems. 


  • Treatment progress is determined by achieving identified objectives and goals. Periodically, treatment objectives and goals will be evaluated to ensure one is benefiting from treatment. Throughout the treatment episode, a client may achieve objectives and goals only to determine that they have new needs and concerns to be addressed, at which time, the client and provider collaborate together and develop new objectives and goals. Further, a client may initially seek treatment for a specific area of concern and discover additional areas of concern to be included in their treatment plan.  


Excluded Services: 


  • Excluded conditions, diagnosis, or client circumstances may include but are not limited to the following: Clients with anger management or impulse control disorders, clients who have a history of or are currently seeking treatment for sexual compulsion, sexual dysfunction, sexual addiction, or compulsive gambling. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide services to any individuals with a history of presenting problems of aggression, violence, threatening behavior, and or violent criminal behavior or is the subject of a current or previous order of protection/restraining order (as the perpetrator/defendant). 


  • Further excluded services are as follows but not limited to: Consultation, evaluation, or counseling in regards to child custody of ANY nature, home assessment, or evaluations for custody or making recommendations for child custody, psychological testing services, neurological testing, fitness for duty evaluations for law enforcement or military, substance abuse professional evaluations (SAP), social services evaluations, APS/CPS evaluations, or wrap-around services for community-based supports, Social Security evaluations, dementia evaluations or assessment, issues specifically related to developmental disorders as a primary diagnosis, or early childhood problems or concerns for mental retardation as a primary diagnosis. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC utilizes the medical model and 12 Step Model to addiction and will also include additional substance abuse treatment/self-help models as long as said models are part of an abstinence-based treatment model. Wellness Solutions, LLC does not endorse nor provide treatment for any individually prescribed Methadone maintenance or Suboxone. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide services to clients who have situations or circumstances that may include interactions with the legal system. Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide forensic services of any kind and does not provide court testimony. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide services to clients participating in clinical cases involving worker's compensation concerns and/or claims. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide emergency behavioral health, mental health, and/or chemical dependency services or emergency services of any kind. Wellness Solutions, LLC does not have 24-hour emergency behavioral health, mental health, and/or chemical dependency crisis intervention services. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not assess or provide assistance with short-term disability, long-term disability, workers compensation, or FMLA assessment, claims, or filing. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide off-site or in-home behavioral health, mental health, and/or chemical dependency services. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not provide involuntary therapeutic services of any type. 



Risks Associated With Treatment: 


  • It is important to be aware that counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment have potential benefits and risks associated with treatment. 


  • Sessions involve discussions of potentially sensitive information surrounding relationships, trauma, personal or emotional issues, and exploring painful psychological experiences which may be difficult to cope with and potentially cause distress. There are times when counseling and psychotherapy can cause emotional distress as you will be addressing issues that may have been upsetting in the past. Discussion of previous distressing events and feelings may include re-experiencing these events and possibly recalling information that one did not remember previously which can cause increased negative feelings, symptoms, and functional impairments. Therefore, one should know that there are risks involved with seeking treatment. 


  • If the client begins to experience an increase in symptoms it is very important to inform your provider. There is the possibility that a client may experience an increase in symptoms, resolve some symptoms only to develop new symptoms, or have unintentional or unforeseen consequences as a result of engaging in the therapeutic process. There are times when personal growth and development are preceded by emotional discomfort. Upon knowledge that treatment may be increasing distress, the client and provider can work together collaboratively to ensure that the client’s treatment plan, safety plan, coping skills, support system, and resources address the client’s needs to address these clinical issues and reduce distress. 


  • Sessions can significantly reduce the number of symptoms or impairment in functioning a client is experiencing, improve relationships, and or resolve specific areas of concern or distress. While counseling, psychotherapy, and coaching have the potential to improve quality of life, there are occasions in which you may experience increased symptoms until sufficient progress is achieved. 


  • Counseling and psychotherapy, itself, may not resolve all concerns and symptoms. The attainment of treatment goals is dependent on multiple factors including the quality of work from the client, the client’s support system, the client’s access to resources, the client’s ability to access healthcare, and many others. In the event, a client does not experience positive progress, especially once made aware of concerns regarding a resurgence in symptoms, and treatment plan changes have been sufficiently pursued, then it may become necessary to refer the client to an alternate provider. 


  • Please be aware, to derive maximum benefit from treatment and the counseling relationship it is imperative to engage with honesty, transparency, motivation, willingness to change, and take ownership and responsibility for one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC is not able to make any type of guarantee for any specific results regarding counseling outcomes or treatment goal attainment. It is unethical and illegal for licensed mental health professionals to make guarantees or promises regarding treatment results, cures, or offer misleading or false expectations regarding treatment outcomes. 


  • There may be clinical situations or circumstances where a client may require a referral to a higher level of care to stabilize his/her symptom severity and decompensation in functioning. Wellness Solutions, LLC may recommend alternative providers or treatments based on a client’s lack of therapeutic progress or decompensation in function in order to ethically attend to the client’s needs. Examples of potential treatment alternatives may include the following: A referral to another outpatient provider who specializes in the area of expertise relevant to the client’s presentation of symptoms, referral to a higher level of care such as an intensive outpatient program (IOP), partial hospitalization program (PHP), residential treatment program (RTC), or inpatient level of care for acute stabilization (IP), and/or referral to neuropsychological testing for diagnostic testing, and/or referral to a psychiatrist for a consultation to determine if medication management is clinically indicated. 


Client Administrative Discharge, Client Termination, Financial Discharge, & Self-Discharge From Services:  


  • Clients who self-discharge, cancel upcoming appointments and do not reschedule appointments, or no show for appointments, and do not respond to outreach are considered self-discharged from care or an administrative discharge from care. 
    In order to ensure discharged clients do not incur any considerations regarding abandonment, please be aware that the proper referrals are contained herein, and that Wellness Solutions, LLC provides proper termination when the client verbalizes a desire to terminate care and requests proper termination as appropriate. Proper termination includes three termination sessions. If a client chooses to terminate care by canceling up-coming appointments or not responding to outreach then they forfeit proper termination sessions. 


  • Clients who have not had an appointment for more than 2 months or 60 days are considered discharged from care administratively. 


  • If a former client would like to re-admit to care then they are welcome to do so as long as they are in good standing and were not terminated from care. 
    If a client self-discharges from care and the client would like to receive discharge disposition information or referrals to another provider the client is responsible for contacting Wellness Solutions, LLC to request the aforementioned information. 
    Clients do not receive specific individualized discharge disposition information unless the client terminates appropriately. Proper termination includes but is not limited to, the client discharges as part of a therapeutic agreement and successful achievement of treatment goals with the provider or unless the client contacts the provider and requests specific individualized discharge disposition information. 
    The client will find referral resources contained herein should the client require or need outpatient resources and referrals and the client opts to self-terminate care without receiving discharge recommendations. 


  • The referral resources contained herein act as discharge disposition in the absence of a termination session and/or a discharge termination summary or documentation and absolves any/all provider(s) of abandonment responsibilities. 
    The client agrees to hold harmless Wellness Solutions, LLC from any and all concerns pertaining to improper termination, improper discharge, or abandonment when a client discharges administratively, financially, or without the proper transition of care. 


  • In the closing phase of the treatment process, a client may decrease the frequency of sessions as the necessity or need for services also decreases. It is helpful to discuss and process the pending discharge from care which is also referred to as client termination so a client may have the opportunity to reflect and process on his/her treatment journey. 


  • It is beneficial to utilize the treatment environment and client termination process to identify one’s views on change, achievement, struggles, and most importantly have the opportunity to experience grief through a relationship ending. 


  • Discharge from care based on achieving treatment objectives and goals is a positive outcome; however, many clients encounter uncomfortable emotions as they participate in the termination process as the therapeutic relationship is both professional and a very emotionally meaningful and powerful relationship. Therefore, the client is encouraged to terminate appropriately in order to avoid emotional unfinished business. A client may discharge from treatment at any time. However, engaging in the termination process assists a client to appropriately say goodbye in a purposeful and meaningful way. 


  • Clients who discharge from care are welcome to return to care should new areas of concern arise, they recognize that they may benefit from returning to treatment, and they are in good standing. 


  • Clients who discharge from care based on achieving treatment objectives and goals will receive a specific individualized discharge disposition with instructions regarding how they should continue their progress and include referrals and resources to assist the client. 



Client Disposition & Discharge Referral Information: 

The following is the recommended resources and generalized administrative discharge, financial discharge, and clinical discharge information for all clients who choose to self-discharge: 


  • Call/follow-up with your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or family doctor.


  • Call/follow-up with your psychiatrist or mental health prescriber. 


  • Call the 800 number for one’s insurance company (found on an insurance card) and request a list of in-network providers


  • Visit the member website for one’s insurance company to perform an online search for in-network outpatient providers. 






  • If you are in an emergency situation or crisis situation you can refer to the Wellness Solutions, LLC website for resources, or go to the nearest emergency room. 


  • If you are in need of emergency or crisis resources then please refer to the Wellness Solutions, LLC website and click on the “Safety Resources” tab for extensive information that can be of assistance. This information is also available on the Wellness Solutions, LLC website under the “Safety Resources” tab. 


Privacy, Confidentiality, & Privilege: 

  • Please be advised that there are ethical and legal considerations regarding privacy, confidentiality, and privilege as it relates to one’s information disclosed in treatment and one’s expectation to maintain control over his/her information. 


  • Privacy: Involves an individual’s right to control the disclosure of personal information and to keep information to oneself. When a client gives professional permission or consent to release information the professional only releases the minimum information necessary for the disclosure and within the parameters the client specifically allows in the consent.


  • Confidentiality: Refers to the professional’s ethical duty to protect private information, including all information obtained in the professional therapeutic relationship. A mental health professional has a professional, ethical, and legal duty to safeguard confidential information from unauthorized disclosure. As a general rule, confidential information is disclosed only when mandated by law or with the client’s written authorization. There are limitations and exceptions, however; which include dangerousness to self or danger to others, or the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of minors, the elderly, or individuals considered vulnerable or at risk.


  • Privilege: A legal concept limited to the protection of confidential information from forced disclosure in court and other legal proceedings. Privilege refers to the legal obligation that protects a client against forced disclosure of confidential information in court and in other legal proceedings. Privilege also has limits in legal parameters. 


  • The provider will respect, protect, and adhere to all ethical and legal obligations with regards to protecting your privacy, confidentiality, and protected health information (PHI). The client or client’s representative and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) must be aware that no one has complete absolute confidentiality. The client may sign a consent to release information form if he/she would like to give permission to the provider to coordinate and/or share the client’s confidential information with a third party.
    The provider is legally and ethically obligated to report the imminent threat of harm to self or others to proper authorities. 


  • The client is advised that the provider will report threats of imminent harm to oneself or others in order to facilitate and ensure the safety of the client and/or others. 


  • The provider is legally and ethically compelled to report suspected child abuse, elder abuse, and/or abuse of adults who are disabled or unable to care for themselves. 


  • The provider is a mandated court reporter, as such, the provider is legally and ethically compelled to report ANY suspected or reported abuse to minors, the elderly, adults who are at risk for exploitation/abuse or are disabled or unable to care for themselves. Wellness Solutions, LLC is ethically and legally mandated to report any and all suspected verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, financial, and sexual abuse. 


  • The provider is not permitted to investigate suspicions or claims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The provider is legally and ethically compelled to report to proper authorities who investigate concerns regarding abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Information necessary for making a report is not covered under confidentiality, privacy, or HIPAA laws, or ethical guidelines. The provider is a mandated court reporter for all concerns regarding abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation and makes said reports to Texas Child Protective Services (CPS) or Texas Adult Protective Services (APS). 


  • The provider is legally and ethically compelled to report when clients may pose a risk to the public. 


  • The provider may be compelled to provide confidential information related to treatment and diagnosis to third-party payors and insurance companies as part of the claims submission and utilization review process. 


  • The client is advised that confidential information, such as diagnosis codes, provided to third-party payors and insurance companies may result in changes to their coverage and ability to secure insurance coverage in the future. 


  • Further, clients in the areas of employment where the pursuit of treatment may have implications on their employment are advised that the submission of claims to third-party payors and insurance companies may be shared with their employer. 


  • The provider advises the client that information regarding the care of the client may be released or shared with third-party payers, insurance providers, and employee assistance plans (EAP). The provider advises that the client’s information may be shared based on need and to allow access to the minimum necessary client information required for purposes of standard business practices, quality control, quality improvement, client safety, legal procedures, audits, coordination with insurance companies or third-party payers, audits from governmental bodies, credit card vendors, billing purposes, and for other similar purposes. 


  • The provider is legally compelled to comply with a subpoena and other actions of the court system in specific situations and circumstances. The client is advised that a client's treatment and all documentation with regard to treatment can be subpoenaed in a court of law under specific circumstances. The client is advised that there is no complete and total confidentiality, privacy, or privilege for anyone regardless of circumstances. There are limitations ethically and legally to confidentiality, privacy, and privilege. 


  • The provider is legally compelled to allow government agencies access to client information and records for purposes of audits, investigations, and other official purposes. 


  • The client is advised that any and all legal and/or ethical rights to privacy and confidentiality are void in the event of legal, ethical, regulatory, or consumer complaints, investigations, audits, hearings, or other legal actions or proceedings. The client relinquishes privacy and confidentiality if the client brings a complaint or action against the provider for ethics investigations, HIPAA complaints/investigations, or other legal activities, such as, arbitration, mediation, depositions, discovery, or lawsuits. 


  • The client is advised that the provider shares information with the following, but not limited to, partners called business associates and has contracts with said associates called Business Associate Agreements (BAA) for normal standard business practices with whom protected health information (PHI) may be shared.



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Informed Consent & Disclosures Part 2

EMDR Therapy Disclaimer: 


  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach designed to help individuals process and resolve distressing memories and experiences. While EMDR has been shown to be effective for many people, results can vary. Some clients may experience temporary emotional discomfort or increased distress during or after sessions as they process traumatic memories. This is a normal part of the therapeutic process, but please inform your therapist if you have any concerns. EMDR should not be considered a substitute for other forms of mental health treatment if needed.


  • EMDR therapy involves processing traumatic memories by using guided eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation. While many clients benefit from EMDR, there are potential risks, including temporary intensification of symptoms or emotional discomfort. These effects are usually short-term and may diminish as therapy progresses. Your therapist will work with you to address any concerns and adjust the treatment as necessary. It is important to communicate openly about your experiences during therapy to ensure the approach remains appropriate for you.


  • During EMDR therapy, you may be asked to recall distressing events while focusing on external stimuli, such as guided eye movements. This process can lead to temporary increases in emotional or physical symptoms. These responses are typically part of the therapeutic process and can be addressed with your therapist. EMDR is not a quick fix, and progress varies among individuals. Your therapist will provide support throughout the process and will work with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.


  • As with all therapeutic approaches, confidentiality is a key component of EMDR therapy. However, it is important to understand that while EMDR can be highly effective, there are no guarantees of specific outcomes. You may experience varying levels of distress or emotional release as part of the process. If you have any concerns about how EMDR might impact you, please discuss them with your therapist. Your therapist will work to ensure that your treatment remains appropriate and responsive to your needs.


  • EMDR therapy involves recalling and processing distressing memories through specific techniques, which may sometimes lead to temporary discomfort or emotional disturbance. This is a normal part of the therapy and is usually managed within the therapeutic setting. Participation in EMDR is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw from therapy at any time if you feel it is not beneficial or if you experience undue distress. Please communicate openly with your therapist about any concerns or symptoms you encounter during the process.



Client Safety: 


  • The client agrees to inform the provider if the client is non-compliant with his or her treatment plan, if the client is non-compliant with medication management from their prescriber, if the client is using illegal drugs, if the client is abusing prescription drugs, if the client is abusing over the counter drugs, if the client is actively engaging in self-injurious behavior, and/or if the client is being abused or is abusing others. 


  • The client also agrees to inform the provider immediately if the client has relapsed on drugs, relapsed on alcohol, relapsed on a nutritional plan (for eating disorder clients), or is engaging in any activities that may put the client or someone else at risk or harm. 
    The client acknowledges that failure to disclose this information to the provider may be seriously detrimental to the client and/or others and may result in immediate discharge from services. The provider takes the client's safety and the safety of the public very seriously. 


  • The provider is legally and ethically obligated to take any and all threats to self, to others, or to the public seriously and report these concerns to the proper authorities. All clients are expected and responsible for cooperating and complying with their treatment plan and safety plan. In the event a client is uncooperative, non-compliant, or does not meet their expectations and responsibilities with their treatment plan, safety plan, the Wellness Solutions, LLC informed consent and disclosures, and/or Wellness Solutions policies and procedures then the provider is not responsible for any clinical complications, clinical complexities, negative clinical outcomes, lack of clinical progress, or unanticipated clinical events the client may have as a result. 


  • The provider will not be held responsible for the client’s failure to accurately, honestly, and proactively self-report symptoms, behaviors, thoughts, or compulsions that constitute a safety risk or concern. 


  • The provider will pursue any and all ethical and legal options available to protect the client and/or the public when there is a clinical reason to believe that there are safety concerns for a client and/or the public which may include breaching confidentiality to protect the client, protect the public, or to intervene or prevent a potential safety or risk related concern or behavior. 


Maintaining Integrity and Privacy in the Treatment Session and Treatment Environment: 


  • Clients are not allowed to use any type of electronic device to audio record, video record, or document in any way the private and confidential therapy sessions with Wellness Solutions, LLC. 


  • Any/all audio or video recording of counseling sessions is strictly prohibited. 
    Wellness Solutions, LLC does not permit clients to engage in any form of electronic recording of Wellness Solutions, LLC services in client sessions. 


  • Clients are hereby advised that they do not have permission to engage in electronic recording on Wellness Solutions, LLC premises or with in-person communications, including but not limited to, Wellness Solutions, LLC treatment sessions. 


Grievances, Concerns, & Complaints Procedures: 


  • The provider welcomes client constructive feedback, concerns, comments, and complaints. Wellness Solutions, LLC views all client feedback as an opportunity to grow, develop, and improve services and quality of care. Should a client have a concern, complaint, or grievance regarding the care they receive, then the client agrees that prior to filing a formal complaint with a licensure committee/board, filing a formal complaint with any accrediting body, filing a complaint with any consumer agency/body, prior to pursuing legal action of any type, or filing a lawsuit the client will follow the Wellness Solutions, LLC Grievances, Concerns, & Complaints Procedures. 


  • Hence, prior to any administrative, legal, or consumer action of any type, the client/client guardian agrees to follow the Wellness Solutions, LLC Grievances, Concerns, & Complaints Procedures. The Wellness Solutions, LLC Grievances, Concerns, & Complaints Procedure Is As Follows: 1.) Inform the Wellness Solutions, LLC of the issue both verbally and in writing detailing the specific concern and how the client would like the issue resolved. The client must have the ability or right to discuss the client’s care with the provider in order to bring forth a complaint. 1a.) To contact the Wellness Solutions, LLC administrator please call the main number and request the administrator. The Wellness Solutions, LLC main number is 713-893-3989. 1b.) The Wellness Solutions, LLC administrator may be reached by email: and/or 2.) The client must provide specific suggestions that Wellness Solutions, LLC can address the specific concern that is being brought forth in order to ensure that Wellness Solutions, LLC can effectively assertively implement new policies and procedures to address the client’s needs or concerns.  3.) The client agrees to bring concerns about the provider to the Wellness Solutions, LLC Administrator in a timely manner of no more than 1 month/30 days after the issue of concern transpired. All issues/concerns that exceed 1 month/30 days from the date the issue of concern transpired may be dismissed due to expiration of the concern. Wellness Solutions, LLC reserves the right to determine if areas of concern are to be addressed after the 1 month/30 day expiration. If the client does not initiate the Wellness Solutions, LLC grievance policy within the time frame permitted then the client agrees to forfeit all complaints with any accrediting body, filing a complaint with any consumer agency/body, prior to pursuing legal action of any type, or filing a lawsuit. By agreeing to this policy the client agrees to forfeit all actions if the complaint is not reported to Wellness Solutions, LLC within the aforementioned time frame and instead hold Wellness Solutions, LLC harmless to all real or perceived infractions. 4.) The client will allow the Wellness Solutions, LLC Administrator a minimum of 2 weeks/14 days (from the date notified in writing of the issue) to investigate and attempt to rectify the concern. 5.) If after a good faith attempt by the provider has been made to rectify the concern and the client is still not satisfied with the result then the client also agrees that the client and the provider will utilize a formal mediation process or alternative dispute resolution procedure. If the client chooses to engage in mediation proceedings or alternative dispute resolution procedure the client incurs half the cost of the aforementioned mediation or alternative dispute resolution proceedings. If the need for mediation presents itself the provider reserves the right to select the mediator. The client agrees to submit to the finding of the mediation process or alternative dispute resolution proceedings and forfeits all future actions and also forfeits any additional actions. 6.) In the event a client makes a grievance, concern, or complaint against Wellness Solutions, LLC and the client does not follow the agreed upon aforementioned process then the client is in violation of a contractual agreement with Wellness Solutions, LLC as per The Wellness Solutions Informed Consent and Disclosures and agrees to incur all costs to Wellness Solutions, LLC resulting from the grievance including but not limited to fees for consultants, attorneys, mediators, clinical fees, case management fees, and legal fees. 7.) In the event a client makes a grievance, concern, or complaint against Wellness Solutions, LLC in bad faith or without engaging in the aforementioned agreed upon process Wellness Solutions, LLC reserves the right to defend itself in any and all proceedings and venues which may include legal action and the client agrees to incur all fees and expenses resulting thereof. 8.) In the event a client commits an action against Wellness Solutions, LLC or any staff member of Wellness Solutions, LLC such as a threat, act of aggression or vandalism, or any such illegal or harassing act the client may incur legal action on behalf of Wellness Solutions, LLC and or staff to ensure one’s reputation and/or physical or emotional safety are protected. 9.) In the event a client gives cause for Wellness Solutions, LLC to seek professional consultation, legal consultation, legal counsel, and/or professional services to address any/all client concerns, complaints, and/or grievances the client/client guardian is/are advised the client incurs all financial responsibility for said fees and services, as well as, the clinical time and case management time to address these concerns. 10.) In the event a client wishes to file a complaint against the provider the client can contact the Texas State Board of Licensed Professional Counselors. Wellness Solutions, LLC does not allow any type of retaliation against individuals who voice a concern or complaint regarding his/her care. The State of Texas Board of Examiners of Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) Complaints Management and Investigations Section:P. O. Box 141369 Austin, Texas 78714-1369 800-942-5540 Website:


Social Media Policy: 


  • The provider maintains a professional website and multiple social media and electronic internet referral websites. Clients are not required to participate in any social media. Clients are encouraged to exercise good judgment and discretion with their social media choices. If the client does participate in the provider’s professional social media then the provider does not take any responsibility for issues pertaining to privacy or confidentiality with regard to social media. Clients are advised to assume that there is no privacy and no confidentiality with regards to participation in any social media whatsoever. The provider does not accept any responsibility or liability with regards to privacy and confidentiality in social media. Clients who chose to participate in Wellness Solutions, LLC social media are advised that there is no confidentiality, no privacy, and no privilege as it pertains to information a client makes public or shares with said social media, communications, or information exchange platforms. Further, clients who choose to participate on Wellness Solutions, LLC social media, community events or activities, or social events do not have any reasonable expectation for confidentiality, privacy, or privilege for participation in and with said communications and behaviors directly related to the client’s voluntary participation and disclosures. Wellness Solutions, LLC is not responsible for maintaining privacy, confidentiality, or privilege in situations, circumstances, social media platforms, communications platforms, or social situations or activities when a client chooses to participate in online activities. Moreover, Wellness Solutions, LLC is not responsible for a client’s willful participation in social media, public events, or community activities and any potential for breaches of confidentiality, privacy, or privilege that may result henceforth. Wellness Solutions, LLC supports the ethical and legal rights of a client to be respected, to make informed decisions, and to self-determine with decision making. 


  • The provider conducts regular and routine surveys for quality assessment which may also include inviting clients to provide valuable feedback. This information may be used in a variety of contexts including but not limited to the following: Marketing, social media, reviews, or advertising. The information in question will be appropriately redacted or protected, when that is within the control or discretion of the provider, in order to ensure that the client’s identity and PHI is not released. 


Protection of Staff Safety, Security,  & Services: 


  • The provider will make every effort to maintain and protect the safety, security, and professional reputation of all staff, clients, support system, and guests of Wellness Solutions, LLC. 


  • The provider does not tolerate aggressive, threatening, intimidating, harassing, or inappropriate behaviors or communication. 


  • The provider reserves the right to discharge the client or have any individual engaging in the aforementioned concerning behaviors or communication removed or blocked from Wellness Solutions, LLC communication channels or premises. 


  • The provider will protect the safety, security, and integrity of the therapeutic environment of staff, clients, client family or client support system. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC clients will be discharged from care should they themselves or their family, support system, or representatives inappropriate behavior or communication and/or for sending/posting harassing, threatening, or inappropriate content on the provider's social media, message board, or any Wellness Solutions, LLC public or private communication forum. 


  • The provider reserves the right to defend and protect the provider's reputation in situations where a client posts defaming, inflammatory, dishonest, or inappropriate information or content in any public forum, electronic forum, social media, or review site. The provider reserves the right to request a client or any other agent of the client to remove defaming, inflammatory, dishonest, or inappropriate information or content in any public forum, electronic forum, social media, or review site. 


  • The provider reserves the right to pursue criminal and/or civil actions against the client in the event the client or any other agent of the client refuses to remove the content. 
    The client will be held responsible for any and all costs that the provider incurs to defend, protect, or correct the provider’s reputation. 


  • In the event a client gives cause for Wellness Solutions, LLC to seek professional consultation, legal consultation, legal counsel, online reputation management consultation and services, and/or professional services to address any/all client concerns, complaints, and/or grievances the client is advised the client incurs all financial responsibility for said fees and services, as well as, the clinical time and case management time to address these concerns.


Clinical Continuity and Records: 


  • In the event the assigned therapist on your file leaves our practice, is incapacitated, or deceased then members of the provider’s staff will contact you and either reassign your case to another therapist in Wellness Solutions, LLC or give you a referral to another therapist based on your needs, preferences, and availability. Wellness Solutions, LLC puts forth that in the event of incapacitation or death of the clinical director the client’s clinical records will be maintained by Wellness Solutions, LLC executive and administrative staff. The clinical director gives consent to allow the executive and administrative directors or the interim clinical director to take possession/responsibility of clinical documents and provide clinical documents as requested. The clinical director submits that a designated successor to be custodian of clinical files will be appointed in a reasonable time. 


Sliding Scale Fees for Services Agreement Information:


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC provides sliding scale outpatient mental health services to individuals who meet the following criteria:


  • Individuals who do not have insurance benefits. Individuals who have insurance benefits that are out-of-network for Wellness Solutions, LLC. Individuals who meet one of the above criteria and also express to Wellness Solutions, LLC that without discounted services they would not be able to receive services. Wellness Solutions, LLC provides sliding scale rates to individuals who request sliding scale rates. Wellness Solutions, LLC does not complete financial investigations to make a determination of offering sliding scale rates. 


  • Individuals who would like to receive Wellness Solutions, LLC sliding scale discounted rate should be aware of the following: 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC offers sliding scale rates based on the availability and needs of the requested clinical services as well as other factors and does not guarantee sliding scale services to any one. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLS is not obligated to provide sliding scale services and does so to meet the needs of those in the community who may not otherwise be able to access services. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC reserves the right to rescind sliding scale rates at any time and for any reason. 


  • Clients who receive sliding scale rates may opt to change to pay for the full fees for service or to use new insurance benefits as appropriate. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not offer sliding scale rates to individuals with insurance through a company/policy from which Wellness Solutions, LLC is an in-network provider. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC sliding scale rates are limited ONLY to specific clinical services, such as, individual, couples, and family first session and subsequent session counseling and psychotherapy. ALL other Wellness Solutions, LLC fees for services remain the same for all clients. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC fees for Case Management & Coordination of Care, as well as,  Wellness Solutions, LLC fees for any and all services deemed necessary by Wellness Solutions, LLC. 


Patient Account Information & Receipts for Services:


  • WS provides receipts via email every time a client’s credit card on file is charged. 
    Clients are also provided with an account summary at the end of every month via email if there is a balance on the account. 


Clients are Responsible to Know Their Own Insurance Benefits: 

  • Clients pay their insurance company to manage their benefits, answer their questions about their benefits, and keep track of their claims information. If clients have questions regarding their insurance then the client should contact their insurance company to obtain this information. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC is not responsible for knowing a client’s insurance benefits better than the client. 


  • Clients who have questions about their insurance or complaints about their insurance should direct those questions and complaints to the appropriate party - their insurance company.  


  • Many clients have insurance benefits that include a mental health carve-out. A mental health carve-out is when the client’s mental and behavioral health benefits are managed by a different insurance company than the client’s medical benefits. This means that the client’s medical insurance is managed with one company and their mental health benefits are managed with a different company. The name of the mental health carve-out insurance company is usually NOT listed on the client’s insurance card. This can be confusing and complicated because if the client is not informed about his or her mental health carve-out then the client will provide insufficient information to WS regarding their insurance. This causes problems with insurance claims being rejected or denied. This also causes problems because in many situations the mental health carve-out insurance company is out of network. It is the client’s responsibility to inform WS if the client has a mental health carve-out. If the client has a mental health carve out the client is responsible for informing Wellness Solutions, LLC of the managed care company’s information so WS can bill the client’s insurance correctly.  


Clients are responsible for Obtaining Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) Authorizations:


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC accepts a limited number of EAP insurance benefits. If a client wants to access his or her EAP benefits then the client is responsible for calling their insurance company, obtaining the EAP Authorization Number, the exact number of authorized sessions, and communicating that information to Wellness Solutions, LLC at the onset of care. 


  • The client will be asked to provide this information when completing the Wellness Solutions, LLC intake document(s).


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC does not contact insurance companies or EAP programs to obtain authorization numbers and the number of sessions covered. 


  • Wellness Solutions, LLC will submit EAP claims for clients for one treatment series only. 


  • Clients who have EAP benefits that can be renewed can only use those benefits with Wellness Solutions, LLC once. 


Superbill Documentation Information: 


  • If a client opts to pay for the full fee for service and submit claims to his or her out-of-network insurance then Wellness Solutions, LLC will provide the required “superbill” documentation. The superbill will be provided no more than once per month.  To receive the superbill the client must request the documentation each month. Clients who opt for sliding scale are not eligible to submit their own claims to insurance and utilize out-of-network benefits.


Clinical Documentation Notification: 


  • Please be informed that our practice utilizes AI-assisted scribe technology to document the content of clinical sessions. This technology is employed to ensure accuracy and efficiency in record-keeping while allowing the provider to focus fully on your care. The AI is designed to adhere to all relevant privacy regulations, including HIPAA, to protect your sensitive information. By signing this consent form, you acknowledge and agree to the use of AI scribe technology for documenting your clinical sessions. You also understand that this technology is utilized in compliance with current regulatory standards to enhance the quality and efficiency of your care.


Consent for Counseling, Coaching, & Psychotherapy: 


  • By signing this document the client attests that the client read, agrees with, and will comply with all aspects of the Wellness Solutions, LLC Informed Consent & Disclosures. Further, the client provides consent to provide counseling, coaching, and psychotherapy to Wellness Solutions, LLC.  





  • Wellness Solutions, LLC reserves the right to change any/all policies, procedures, or information contained here in, including but not limited to the Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP), Client Rights, Responsibilities, and Expectations, and Client Informed Consent and Disclaimers. 


Telehealth Counseling, Coaching, and Psychotherapy

Wellness Solutions

Mailing Address: 8000 Research Forest Dr.
Ste. 115 PMB 1168
The Woodlands, TX 77382

Call or Text: 713-893-3989

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